Sunday, 2 June 2019

30 dead deer found at Utah landfill starved, died of disease

Utah officials have determined that more than 30 deer found near a landfill in northeastern Utah died from starvation, diseases and other causes.

* This article was originally published here

In Nigeria's Lagos, aquatic weed plagues waterways

Traffic jams on the snarled up roads of Nigeria's megacity of Lagos are legendary, but a growing problem is also clogging up the waterways of Africa's biggest city—water hyacinths.

* This article was originally published here

Winter could pose solar farm 'ramping' snag for power grid

By adding utility-scale solar farms throughout New York state, summer electricity demand from conventional sources could be reduced by up to 9.6% in some places.

* This article was originally published here

What's the deal with breakfast?

(HealthDay)—A new research review published in the BMJ has added to the debate over the merits of breakfast. It has long been regarded as "the most important meal of the day"—and probably still is for growing children—but what about adults who are trying to lose weight?

* This article was originally published here